imrezol wrote:

I set URIEncoding="UTF-8" at http connector  in server.xml:

<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8"/>

restart tomcat service and after that type an url with special charaters
like this:


and I get a 404 error message:

*description* *The requested resource
is not available.*

If I do the same settings with 6.0.29 32 bit verison, it's work fine.


That's an interesting question.
Before we tackle this, can you answer this question, precisely :
When you mention trying this with a 32-bit and a 64-bit version "of Tomcat", do you mean that you tried this on the exact same machine, with the same version of Tomcat, and with the exact same .pdf file under /mywebapp ?

(I am quoting "of Tomcat" above, because Tomcat itself would be the same, being Java code. It is the JVM which is different)(which may already give a hint).

I consider the question interesting, because personally, I have always found this "URIEncoding" attribute rather questionable, in the HTTP and URI RFC sense.

As I understand the specs, this attribute should not exist. A HTTP server should take the URI as it comes, decode it as per the uri-encoding/decoding scheme, and then just use the *byte* result 'as is' to locate the resource on disk. It should not second-guess the client's intent.

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