Sorry for the late reply. But it might help someone having similar issue. 

There was a firewall between two systems (distinct from CentOS iptables), which 
dropped (idle) connections after some time. Not sure about exact firewall 
config here. The Apache web server would throw an 500/503 error when it tried 
to reuse an open connection which firewall had already closed.  The issue was 
resolved by using disablereuse parameter in ProxyPass directive. 

Thanks for the suggestions. 

Shantanu Pavgi. 

On Sep 28, 2010, at 4:25 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Pid,
> On 9/17/2010 4:42 PM, Pid wrote:
>> On 17/09/2010 16:57, Shantanu Pavgi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a Apache http server and a Tomcat server configured using AJP 
>>> connector (mod_proxy_ajp). The http server serves HTML/PHP pages and also 
>>> proxies Java webapp requests to back-end Tomcat server. 
>>> System config: 
>>> * Both servers are running as Virtual Machines
>>> * CentOS 5.4
>>> * Apache Tomcat 6.0.26 and Sun JDK 1.6
>>> * Apache http: 2.2.3 (it's old, but that's what comes with default CentOS 
>>> repo)
>> If you really have 2.2.3 and not a 2.2.3 that's been patched
>> subsequently, then you're at risk of running into bugs in mod_proxy_ajp
>> that have already been patched.
> +1
>> 2.2.3 was the first release version containing that module and it was
>> definitely buggy, so you really need to look at upgrading HTTPD before
>> expending more time trying to solve the problem.
> +1
> Another option would be to use mod_jk, which uses the same protocol
> (though wildly different configuration), and might be easier to install
> than trying to get an httpd upgrade accomplished. It's also much more
> well-tested and has more options for tweaking than mod_proxy_ajp (from
> my limited reading).
> - -chris
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