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On 12/17/2010 2:38 AM, Thomas Kloeber wrote:
> I changed the "auto"-settings for Stdout and Stderr in tomcat6w to
> "C:\tmp". Tomcat duly created the files there, but stderr still remains
> empty.
> I now changed the logging settings back to auto, stopped Tomcat, cleared
> the logs directory and started Tomcat. Attached are the files.

I can see an stderr file in there. Were you expecting anything to be in
it immediately after startup? Silly question: how are you writing to stderr?

BTW: you posted some passwords in your log files. You might want to go
and change those, now, unless it was all some kind of test data.

> With regards to my "entire configuration", I'm not quite sure, which
> files you would like to see. If you can tell me which are the relevant
> bits and pieces I'll be happy to post them too.

I was thinking of your conf/logging.properties file as well as your
configuration for tomcat6w.exe. Describing the log config from
tomcat6w.exe (as you have done) and posting logging.properties should be

There is a "swallowOutput" attribute on the <Context> element (found in
conf/server.xml if you are a bad boy, or in your webapp's
META-INF/context.xml, or in conf/[service]/[host]/[webapp].xml. If set
to "true" (it defaults to "false"), then your stdout and stderr will be
redirected to the application's log file which is configured in

- -chris
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