
We're implementing a CometServlet on top of Tomcat NIO connector, using "long 
Currently we're using the approach recommended by most tutorials: the client 
opens a connection and waits for a message (for a configured timeout); if such 
a message arrives, the client consumes it (e.g. presents it on screen), then 
*closes* the http connection, and opens a new connection (to wait for the next 

Unfortunately, we have a network performance problem with opening and closing 
connections (our 3rd party proxy is good at keeping connections alive, but is 
slow in negotiating new connections).

So we'd like to keep the HTTP connection alive, and pass multiple messages on 
the same connection. We were hoping to tell the messages apart based on 
multipart format, or some other separator, or content length.

Could anyone please tell whether that's supported on the TomcatServlet side? 
If so, could you please refer me to the appropriate documentation?
In particular, is there some flag (on Tomcat or CometServlet) telling it to 
"support multipart"?

Thanks :)


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