ilya goberman wrote:
I was thinking more about it. What if Tomcat disables chunked encoding if response 
contains "Connection: close" header.
So in order to disable the encoding the Tomcat application will have to set 
just one response header.

I think it is a reasonable enhancement to do. If "Connection: close" is not 
set, keep alive functionality is preserved.
Any objections?

The sysadmin may decide, for whatever reason, to disable keep-alive connections.
In that case Tomcat will add a "Connection: close" to any response, and close the connection at the end of the response. But that does not mean that the one response sent back, could not be from some application generating a dynamic response for which the size is not known in advance, thus triggering a chunked response.

Now in addition I am thinking of this :

                           /        \
                          /          \
                         /            \
client <--> something <--              --> something <--> tomcat

The "somethings" in-between could decide that to go through the sputnik, it makes no sense to have the message in one piece - or in multiple pieces - and re-slice it or re-assemble it in the way best suited to go up and down.
Since the transfer-encoding is just that, they are allowed to do that.
So basically any scheme that relies on the transmission being chunked or not, 
is doomed, no ?

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