2011/1/13 Achal Patel <patel.ac...@gmail.com>:
> Thanks a lot Mark for responding on this.
> Scenario is: I have a web application where I want user to input Russian
> characters (Table is UNICODE compliant).
> The java web application, when deployed on Weblogic is accepting Russian
> Characters and persisted correctly in the database.
> While the same application, while deployed on the Tomcat transforms Russian
> characters into junk chars and the same is being persisted in the database.

It is useless to blame Tomcat vs "other servers", while you have not
done any diagnostics.
At what step in processing does the corruption occur?
It might to have nothing to do with Tomcat.

Are locale settings the same on those different computers? Is database
configuration the same?

Have you considered to try whether the things work with some simple
example? Step-by-step.

> Could you please let me know the configuration required to accept correct
> UNICODE chars on the UI?

It depends on your UI.

The steps are listed in "What can you recommend to just make
everything work?" on the FAQ page,

> FYI I have tried few options (as per Tomcat Docs) in web.xml but nothing
> seems to be giving required results.

Which docs? How hard did you try them? Post your web.xml.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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