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To whom it mat concern,

On 2/25/2011 2:57 PM, spr...@gmx.eu wrote:
>>> Especially, what are things to deploy jsf_webapp
>>>  in its real host after developing it in the localhost  ?
>> You will also have to make sure that your URLs are built properly. If
>> the string "localhost" appears anywhere in your webapp, 
>> you're probbaly
>> doing something wrong. Also, if you're not building URLs in 
>> pages like this:
>>    <a href="<%= response.encodeURL(request.getContextPath()
>>                           + "/path/to/resource") %>">your link</a>
> Isn't this very, very old Java-mixed-with-JSP code style?

Yes, which is why I mentioned the use of tag libraries.

Since everybody and their brother uses their own tag library, I figured
I'd not confuse the issue by giving examples from Struts 1.0/1.1/1.2,
Struts 2, JSTL 1.0/1.1/1.2, etc.

The OP didn't give any information about his environment (other than
"JSF"), so he could be running almost anything. The nice part about what
I've written above is that it will work under any JSP environment
regardless of version or available tag libraries.

- -chris
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