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On 3/11/2011 4:45 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> Chris wrote:
>> 1. Yes, tomcat is sending the header: "Transfer-Encoding: chunked"
>> 2. I've also tried using close() instead of flush() and I've seen the
>> same chunked encoding.
>> 3. The nginx reverse proxying with the HttpProxyModule only supports
>> HTTP/1.0 according to the "Synopsis" section here:
>> http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpProxyModule
>> Based on my reading of the HTTP spec, closing the connection seems to
>> be a valid alternative to sending the terminating "0\r\n\r\n".
>> Any ideas about why the connection wouldn't be closed when using APR?
> I can't say exactly what, but something else also nagged at me when
> reading the original post : as I recall, HTTP 1.0 also does not support
> "keep-alive" connections.
> Would there not be some invalid combination of request from the client
> for a keep-alive connection together with a HTTP 1.0 protocol, or with a
> setting at the Connector side ?
> Maybe some code is getting confused at some invalid combination ?

Unlikely. nginx should allow the client to use keepalive, but then use
1.0-spec semantics when connecting to the backend.

That seems like a good reason to use something other than nginx to me.

- -chris
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