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On 4/8/2011 12:19 PM, Mathew Samuel wrote:
> That was a good test suggestion, to compare the page source between when
> CSRF is on and off. What surprised me is that the page source between
> the two is identical.
> But still with the CSRF filter on I see this:
> And with that filter off I see this:

(By now, you've seen that the list strips attachments. Feel free to use
somehting like psatebin or your own website to host images and just post

> Essentially it was showing a screenshot when the filter was on and
> there were no images, no theme, nothing. And then the following one
> with it off which had everything in place. But HTML source is
> identical.

Why not just copy/paste the actual page source into a message to the
list? That would do just fine. You already said that the page was
broken... there's no need for a screenshot to "show" that.

Are you saying that the CsrfPreventionFilter isn't modifying your static
content URLs /at all/? If that's the case, then you aren't running those
URLs through HttpServletResponse.encodeURL before they go into the page.

I'm very surprised that the HTML source is identical with the filter on
versus off: the purpose of the filter is to /modify the page source/.

> If I was fronting with Apache httpd would there be something
> specifically that I would have to do?

Possibly. I haven't looked at the filter's source code closely enough to
determine this, but I know that ";jsessionid" often trips-up httpd when
loading static data so this could be a similar situation.

> I believe there might be some
> setups where this may be the case. Although my current setup doesn't
> have it.

Well, then that's not the problem, then.

- -chris
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