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On 4/12/2011 3:51 PM, Mathew Samuel wrote:
> We don't make use of JSTL so I can't access it that way.
> We do use XSL that is run through a transform. And of course relevant
> values are retrieved from the back end too.

Depending on how to generate your URLs, you might already be using
HttpServletResponse.encodeURL without realizing it.

If your clients don't have cookies enabled, does your webapp still work?
If so, you are likely to be using encodeURL in this way.

> So, in the back-end, would I have to essentially subclass
> org.apache.catalina.filters.CsrfPreventionFilter (since that would be
> the only way I could invoke the protected method generateNonce) in
> order to create the nonce?

Or you could just use encodeURL instead of duplicating it's code.

> Or am I over-complicating matters as there exists a simpler way
> keeping in mind we don't use JSTL?

JSTL is a red herring, so put it out of your mind. It's just an example
of one technology that uses encodeURL properly -- as should any
servlet-related code.

Is your XSLT processor web-aware in any way? For instance, we use Apache
Cocoon and have complete access (when necessary) to the servlet objects.

- -chris
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