Hi Darryl,

Is the database also running on a VM?  My experience with "problematic 
applications on VMs" hasn't been related to the application itself (Tomcat, 
BIND, Apache, etc.) but moreso whether they generate high volumes of local 
storage I/O (like a database using local disks).  The impact this can have can 
also be magnified if your VM disks aren't properly aligned (a common mistake in 
many older VM deployments).

The vendor should also be providing some form of justification for their 
statements.  Depending on your virtualization platform of choice, there may be 
various utilities you can use to analyze the performance of the virtualization 
host itself to help narrow down where bottlenecks may be occurring.


------Original Message------
From: Darryl Lewis
To: Tomcat Users List
ReplyTo: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Tomcat on a Linux virtual machine
Sent: Apr 15, 2011 23:18

I have an application (commercial) running on a virtual instance of Linux 
talking to a Postgres database.
We are continually getting locks on the DB that are crashing the app.
I think it's just bad programming on the suppliers side, but the supplier has 
latched onto the idea that it is because it is running on a virtual machine.
Has any experienced any problems running Tomcat on a virtual machine similar to 

Sent from my BlackBerry device

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