The Tomcat hoster tells me OpenSSL is used on the server side (in a reply email from support - I will double-check in a phone call during business hours as this was not my current understanding). Are you confident OpenSSL is refusing the connection to be established when a client certficate that has expired is presented? (so behave the same as IBM's JSSE implementation and then different from Sun's)

Am 27.04.2011 18:39, schrieb Chris Beckey:
Are you using JSSE or OpenSSL for your SSL implementation?

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 4:40 PM, Thomas Hill<>wrote:

Hi Felix,

thanks for your reply. So does this mean no way on Tomcat 5.5? (as I won't
switch to a newer version, especially 7.x  any time soon)

To your question:
Primary reason is I want my fat client java application and my java web
application to react the same way when a user supplies an expired
(btw: interesting that Derby and Tomcat both being Apache products behave
differently here to start with).
I would still check the expiration date as part of the application logic in
both scenarios and for expired client certs allow read-only access to the
data base only
(so misuse the expiry date on the certificate to trigger read-only

Tx&  Rgds

Am 26.04.2011 21:52, schrieb Felix Schumacher:

  On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 20:44:38 +0200, Thomas Hill wrote:
I am using clientAuth on Tomcat 5.5.30, JVM version 1.6.0_21-b06 from
Sun on Linux. The client certificates are self-generated and signed as
I am acting as CA for the client certificates. Authentication is
working as expected until the certificate expiry date is reached which
is when I am getting "ssl_error_certificate_unknown_alert" errors
returned and the connection is refused. I would like Tomcat to be more
tolerant and continue accepting the certificate even after its
expiration. Is there a way to change the configuration such that this
can be achieved?
Note: Sun's JSSE implementation by default (in contrast to IBM's)
accepts expired self-signed certificates - I also found this to be the
case when my Java application is communicating direct with an Apache
Derby Data Base Server running SSL. I would like the same tolerance
and behaviour be evidenced when connecting via Tomcat in a web/browser
based application environment.

I haven't tried it, but it looks like the attribute
'trustManagerClassName' should
help you with tomcat 7.11 and newer.

I do wonder, why you want expired certificates to be still valid, if you
are the ca
anyway and could certainly sign new for free.



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