The default common.loader property 
 added my own entries like ${oracle.home}/lib/*.jar, and set 
$JAVA_OPTS=-Doracle.home=/usr/local/oracle, then start tomcat 7 and stop tomcat 
7, the stop complaints that ${oracle.home} is not valid path, butphysically it 
is valid. I am sure there is no typo.
Further more, i intentionally changed for those sections of setting 
-Dcatalina.base=$CATALINA_BASEfor starting Tomcat 7, like I changed it to 
"-Dcatalina.bas",  it all has no impact to this common.loader at all.Looks like 
Tomcat populate catalina.base and catalina.home internally, does anyone know 
how Tomcat set this ANT style variable during start/stop? thanks                

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