[from your blog entry]
> I also think that logging leaks may be more helpful than using part of 
> manager, because many don't deploy manager (they remove it).
it is logged when the application is stopped, on recent tomcat 6 and 7.

I think your approach to finding leaks by performing comparisons is not the 
most efficient. What I usually do to find the leak is to use MAT (eclipse 
memory analyzer, as you used too) and its "class loader explorer". There I find 
the instance of org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader that corresponds 
to my webapp and right-click to ask "path to GC roots"/"exclude all 
phantom/weak/soft, etc. references".
There I usually see the cause of the leak vey quickly.

I you find no strong reference to your classloaders then you might have 
encountered some JDK bug... You should use a recent one to avoid some (at least 


On 10 mai 2011, at 21:55, Gary Weaver wrote:

> Here's what I did and what little I came up with:
> http://stufftohelpyouout.blogspot.com/2011/05/diagnosing-webappportlet-hot-deploy.html
> I'm definitely not an expert at diagnosing leaks, so if you have any
> recommendations/comments, please let me know.
> I unfortunately started off just thinking I could tune JVM settings, not
> just by bumping up permgen but by adding things like:
> -XX:+UseParNewGC
> -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
> -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled
> -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled
> But, I was (really) wrong as you can see in the post, along with the various
> tools used to try to identify what was causing the issue(s).
> It doesn't seem like determining exactly what is leaking memory (at least in
> the case of permgen and hot-redeploys/hot-deploys) is a whole lot easier
> than it was years ago, unless I'm doing something wrong, which I most likely
> am. Thanks in advance for any feedback!
> Gary

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