Seth Lenzi <> wrote:

>I'm using Tomcat v7.0.14, Apache v2.2.17, and mod_jk v1.2.30.
>The Servlet I have does not implement CometProcessor. It's just a 
>regular HttpServlet which creates an AsyncContext from the 
>HttpServletRequest object. Like the example Servlet at this page, 
>It does work nicely when accessed directly from Tomcat on port 8080... 
>Only throws the IllegalStateExeception when going through Apache + 
>mod_jk. I'm using the default HTTP connector, no NIO API... Since it
>working through Tomcat I figured I didn't need the NIO HTTP connector.
>Thanks for your reply.
>On 6/6/2011 4:49 PM, André Warnier wrote:
>> Seth Lenzi wrote:
>>> Anyone here have any experience with asynchronous servlets under a
>>> Tomcat that's linked to Apache via mod_jk? I have an asynchronous
>>> servlet that's working nicely when accessed directly from Tomcat,
>>> when I access it by going through Apache and mod_jk the
>>> ServletRequest.startAsync() function call throws an
>>> IllegalStateException saying the feature is not supported.
>> You do not give a clue about which version of Tomcat you are using,
>> this may provide an explanation :
Tomcat 7 has passed the Servlet TCK with all possible combinations of protocol 
(HTTP, AJP), connector implementation (BIO, NIO, APR) and httpd module (mod_jk, 
mod_proxy_http, mod_proxy_ajp).

Asynchronous servlets work in all combinations.

The best thing to do is create the simplest possible test case (ie a single 
Servlet) that demonstrates this issue and attach it to a bugzilla issue.


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