Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Lentes,
> On 6/7/2011 11:36 AM, Lentes, Bernd wrote:
> > first we tried to set the content-type in the <Head> ... </Head>
> > section in the html file. That didn't work.
> How did you do it? If you use <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type"
> CONTENT="text/html" />, it should override any Content-Type
> sent in the HTTP response headers

Yes, we used this. But (unfortunally 
only in german) says
"Im Konfliktfall, also wenn der Webserver im HTTP-Header eine hiervon 
abweichende Angabe sendet, wird üblicherweise die Angabe des HTTP-Headers 
verwendet.", which means that, if you have the META in the HTML-file and also 
the content-type in the HTTP-Header, mostly the HTTP-Header "wins".

> > Our developers try now to use the
> > response.setContentType("text/html"); method to configure the
> > content-type in the HTTP-Header.
> This is the proper way to do things. Using <META> does not hurt.
> So... did it work?

Using the META didn't work, the other way they'll try in the next days. I will 
inform you.

> > What i also found out is that you can use a defaulttype
> directive in
> > your Apache configuration.
> Yes, you can do that, but you should instead code your
> servlets to return the proper Content-Type.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
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