Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 6/8/2011 1:47 PM, Simon Olofsson wrote:
I have a ServletRequestListener that tries too access a Request Parameter:

When I send a POST-Request with the "Expect: 100-continue" HTTP Header
it hangs waiting for the Request Body which isn't send because Tomcat
didn't send a 100-continue Response. See the Stacktrace at [1]. This
happens with a Tomcat built from SVN-Trunk.

This problem only occurs in a ServletRequestListener. Accessing a
Request Parameter from a Servlet works, because the Request is
acknowledged beforehand (StandardWrapperValve:176).

I would suggest to acknowledge the Request in

Maybe slightly OT, and just a naive question for my own edification :

As I read the API for the ServletRequestListener, I understand that this thing is called very early in the cycle. The spirit seems to be : provide a way to warn as soon as possible that a servlet request has come in.
Perhaps even, before we even know that it is really a /HTTP/ servlet request.

Now, /if/ it is a HTTP servlet request, (and particularly a POST request) then the fact of calling ServletRequest.getParameter(x) would force, at that point, the parsing of the request, headers and body, as a HTTP request.

But what if it is not a HTTP request ?

I guess that my question could be rephrased as : is Tomcat a Java servlet engine, or just a Java HTTP servlet engine ?

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