
Tomcat is a Servlet container, Servlet abstract HTTP interaction,  HTTP is
application layer protocol, it encapsulate the socket and bytes processing.

For socket processing, I think your should refer to some frameworks of
transfer layer protocol like Netty, XSocket and Mina.


2011/6/19 <netfo...@uw.hu>

> To whom is reading this mail.
> Hello,
> For some time i have been learning some server technologies for my own
> needs. I have tried PHP but the way its constructed or the way it handles
> scripts for object oriented programing wasn't suitable for me. Java is more
> the way i think of programing and that is why i thought to give a try on
> Tomcat.
> I have looked for books. Most or all of them covers only JSP, JSF or JDBC
> but non of them covers TCP - socket communication in details such as the
> ServerSocketFactory, the JSSEFactory or the ThreadPool. I could mention some
> more issues when setting up a socket based application like SocketPermision.
> I wrote this mail in hope for answers, guidance or best practice for
> writing a Socket based application server for handling ByteArray
> communication.
> Where can i get the knowlage? How can i get smarter?
> Thank you in advence,
> Herendi Kristóf Pál
> Budapest, Hungary - 2011 June the 11th.
> ps:
> To give you some idea of what i was try to accomplish, here is a pseudo
> code for a Java Socket Server:
> // ServerMain.java
> package Server;
> import java.net.ServerSocket;
> import java.net.Socket;
> public class ServerMain {
>    private NewConnections newConn;
>    private LogedInUsers ConnMemb;
>    private UserList userList;
>    private CommunicationGroups ComGroups;
>    public ServerMain(){
>        userList = new UserList();
>        ConnMemb = new LogedInUsers();
>        newConn = new NewConnections();
>        ComGroups = new CommunicationGroups();
>        try{
>            ServerSocket serevrSock = new ServerSocket(4444);
>            Socket clientSocket;
>            while(true){
>            System.out.println("Server ready, waiting for a client...");
>            clientSocket = serevrSock.accept();
>            new ConnectionHandler(**clientSocket, userList, newConn,
> ConnMemb, ComGroups).start(); // extends Thread
>            }
>        }catch(Exception e){
>            System.out.println("Server startUp error: "+e);
>        }
>    }
>    public static void main(String args[]){
>        new ServerMain();
>    }
> }
> // ### END
> Its simple.
> I have spent some time to try to translate it for Tomcat but with out any
> refference i couldnt find the way to make it work.
> If you would like to see the Tomcat version i would be happy to post it,
> but before i would like to see an experts "best practice", if i can have :)
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