On 20/06/2011 20:12, Jess Holle wrote:
> Start up takes around 20 seconds longer with Tomcat 7.0.14 and 7.0.16
> than it did with 7.0.12.
> This appears to be due to time spent scanning jars for annotations,
> etc.  We have a number of /very /large jar files in both the base
> classloader for Tomcat (which we're embedding) and in our web apps.
> This raises 2 questions:
>   1. Was jar scanning not working for such uses cases in 7.0.12, e.g.
>      was the scanning incomplete?

Not that I am aware of.

>   2. Did something change to make the performance of the scanning
>      perform much worse in 7.0.14 /and /7.0.16 than in 7.0.12?

It should have improved for the majority of use cases in 7.0.14 but at
the price of making it worse for JARs in CATALINA_[HOME_BASE]/lib.
7.0.16 should have returned scanning of JARs in CATALINA_[HOME_BASE]/lib
to the pre 7.0.14 performance levels.

>          * The release notes suggest that 7.0.14 had an issue and that
>            it was resolved in 7.0.16, but we're seeing both 7.0.14 and
>            7.0.16 being approximately equally slow to start up.
> Clearly the answer to both questions could be "yes".  If only #2 is a
> "yes", then I'd really like to get this resolved and get back to the
> previous performance.  If, however, #1 explains much of the degradation,
> then I'll need to look into excluding jars from scanning, etc.

It looks like there may still be an issue. Profiling data on where the
time is being spent would be useful.


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