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On 6/29/2011 1:50 PM, Shubham Gupta wrote:
> In order to implement infinite caching, we have put an 'Expires' & a
> 'Max-Age' header to a large value, but still the browser makes a
> conditional GET for files having a relatively new 'Last-Modified' time.
> Is this a normal behaviour ?

I guess clients are allowed to to whatever they want. Is there anything
else going on? Intermediate proxy? SSL? Other headers at play?

> If we remove the 'Last-Modified' & the 'Etag' header, then it always
> fetches the file from cache.

What is "it"? The browser? The server? Which cache?

> Since there is no 'Last-Modified' header,
> it doesn't have an 'If-Modified-Since' header when making a conditional
> GET (on pressing F5).

What makes it a conditional GET if there is no If-Modified-Since header?

> Therefore, the whole file is sent back (Response: 200 OK).

Sounds like an unconditional GET to me.

> Since we noticed that for files having relatively old timestamps
> conditional GETs are being sent less frequently, we are planning to set
> the 'Last-Modified' header to a really old value (say 1970).

Why would you do that? If the browser is ignoring your recent
Last-Modified header, why do you think it would honor one set far into
the past? I wouldn't be surprised if browsers are "smart" enough to
detect that dates like (UNIX) zero are an error and therefore ignore
them, returning you to your unconditional GET scenario.

> Does doing this have any disadvantage

Writing hacks to lie to the client? Yes, the disadvantages are that you
have to write a lot of code (or configuration) to force something that
should be working in the first place. I suspect there is another problem
that needs to be addressed and that you are looking in the wrong place.

> is it an efficient way to implement infinite caching or we are
> missing out something here ?

Are you allowing the server to calculate an Etag header? Is the browser
sending the Etag back to the server?

- -chris
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