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On 8/5/2011 7:49 AM, Lataxes, Karl wrote:
> After some testing, I determined that appending the session ID to
> the URL will not work.

Why not?

> I can, however, add the session ID as a new HTTP header, but I have
> to determine which modules to use (mod_headers, mod_proxy,
> mod_proxy_http, mod_proxy_balancer?)

How about just having the client send JSESSIONID in the way that Tomcat
expects it?

> and how to configure sticky sessions using the new HTTP header.  I am
> somewhat unfamiliar with this aspect of Apache, so is anyone able to
> point me in the right direction?

You said that your client was sending this information:

"session-id= <unique_client_identifier>-<current_time_in_milliseconds>"

but you never said where that information was. If it's in the
query-string of the URL, then it should be easy to fetch and set into a
request header.

To fetch the session id, you can do something like this:

SetEnvIf "Request_URI" "/session-id=([A-Za-z0-1.]+)-/" SESSION_ID=$1

That will set an environment variable SESSION_ID to an id passed-in via
the query string (unless you have the misfortune of having
"session-id=[A-Za-z0-1.]+" somewhere else in your URL, too). You might
have to tweak the regular expression if it won't match your
"unique_client_identifier" which I'm assuming is the Tomcat session id.

If you can use mod_headers /before/ mod_jk gets it's hands on things,
you ought to be able to do something like this:

RequestHeader append "Cookie" "JSESSIONID=%{SESSION_ID}e"

That will set the "JSESSIONID" cookie header to the value of the session
id retrieved from the query string above.

I hope that gets you on the right track.

- -chris
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