I wrote the code to generate the session id and add it as an HTTP header at the 
recommendation of someone on the users list.  The problem now is appending the 
jvmroute to the generated session id in order to get session stickiness to 
work.  If there were some way for the servlet to retrieve the jvmRoute from 
server.xml, I could append it to the session id and get it to work.  I have 
been looking online for a solution, but have been unable to find one. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Rainer Jung [mailto:rainer.j...@kippdata.de] 
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 12:52 PM
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: Re: Sticky Session Not Working With Apache 2.0.54 and Tomcat 7.0.8

On 15.08.2011 17:09, Lataxes, Karl wrote:
> Yes, the space before "servlet" is a copy/paste error.
> I made the LogFormat additions to httpd.conf, set the mod_jk logging level to 
> "debug" and ran some additional tests.
> The session id did appear in the access_log I generated:
> 2000-1-200-ap-1313413815567

So the session ID is wrong, it does not contain the trailing ".tomcat7A"
to allow sticky routing.

Whatever generates the session id doesn't generate a correct one which supports 
stickyness. The session id doesn't look like a normal Tomcat session id, so it 
seems something else is setting the JSESSIONID cookie, like a custom sesion 
manager. You need to find that piece of code and fix it (to append the jvmRoute 
to the id).



> In the mod_jk.log, I also noted several references to the session id, 
> which are included below.  Please note that the original client 
> request went to worker tomcat7A, but subsequent requests were routed 
> to tomcat7C
> [Mon Aug 15 09:10:15.614 2011] [3275:1] [debug] 
> ajp_unmarshal_response::jk_ajp_common.c (723): Header[0] [Set-Cookie] 
> = [JSESSIONID=2000-1-200-ap-1313413815567]
> [Mon Aug 15 09:10:18.495 2011] [3275:1] [debug] service::jk_lb_worker.c 
> (1118): service sticky_session=1 id='2000-1-200-ap-1313413815567'
> [Mon Aug 15 09:10:18.495 2011] [3275:1] [debug] 
> get_most_suitable_worker::jk_lb_worker.c (946): searching worker for partial 
> sessionid 2000-1-200-ap-1313413815567 [Mon Aug 15 09:10:18.495 2011] [3275:1] 
> [debug] get_most_suitable_worker::jk_lb_worker.c (1001): found best worker 
> tomcat7C (tomcat7C) using method 'Request'
> You can see from the log snippets that ".<worker_name>" is not being appended 
> to the session as expected.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rainer Jung [mailto:rainer.j...@kippdata.de]
> Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 8:11 AM
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Sticky Session Not Working With Apache 2.0.54 and Tomcat 
> 7.0.8
> On 12.08.2011 15:30, Lataxes, Karl wrote:
>> The jvmRoute's for both server.xmls are properly set to the worker names and 
>> are not commented out.  This was the first thing I verified.
>>     <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="tomcat7A">
>>     <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" 
>> jvmRoute="tomcat7C">
>> Here are the settings in workers.properties (worker tomcat7A identical to 
>> tomcat7C except for port, since both are running on the same server for 
>> testing.  In production, we will probably install them on separate boxes):
>> worker.list=loadbalancer,jkstatus
>> worker.tomcat7C.type=ajp13
>> worker.tomcat7C.host=<host_name>
>> worker.tomcat7C.port=4931
>> worker.tomcat7C.lbfactor=1
>> worker.loadbalancer.type=lb
>> worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=tomcat7A,tomcat7C
>> worker.loadbalancer.sticky_session=1
>> worker.jkstatus.type=status
> OK
>> Here are the JkMount settings in mod_jk.conf:
>> JkMount /jkmanager/* jkstatus
>> JkMount / servlet/* loadbalancer
> I hope the space before "servlet" is a copy and paste error and not in the 
> original config ...
>> Load balancing is working, but subsequent requests from a single client are 
>> being routed to the other Tomcat instance despite sticky_session being set 
>> to 1.
> OK, then maybe your cookie header is not OK. To debug:
> - Add %{Cookie}i to the LogFormat you are using in Apache. It will log all 
> cookies. Check the values.
> - Add %{JSESSIONID}C to the same LogFormat. It will log the value of the 
> JSESSIONID cookie found by the web server. Check the values.
> - Optional: Add %{Set-Cookie}o to the same LogFormat. It will log the setting 
> of the cookie (sending a cookie from the server to the client).
> Probably of no use for you, since you seem to parse that info in some other 
> way.
> - Increase log level of mod_jk to debug or even trace (not in
> production) and look at the log lines written when your client sends a 
> request, which isn't handled sticky.
> Regards,
> Rainer

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