Patrick Flaherty wrote:

I see that the default connection timeout for the Tomcat connector by default is set to 20000 (20 sec). This has been the shipping default for 5.x, 6.x and 7.x (in the server.xml) The documentation describes the default timeout to be 60000 (60 sec). Is the default value of 20000 in the server.xml for for 5.x, 6.x
and 7.x set to 20000 for a reason instead of the documented 60000 default ?

The default values indicated in the Connector documentation mean : the default value in case you do *not* specify this attribute.

If the default server.xml explicitly specifies a value for these attributes, then of course it overrides whatever default value this setting would have if the server.xml did not specify it.

Otherwise said : the server.xml shipped with Tomcat is an *example*, using reasonably standard values.

If this is not clear, someone else have a try, please.

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