I have a book on Tomcat.  In a section entitled, "Forwarding HTTP Requests"
reference is made to the fact that sometimes it's desirable to branch form a
servlet to an alternative URL upon the occurrence of some condition such as
encountering an exception.  The book provides the following sample code for
accomplishing the branch:

RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("/alternative_url")
if (rd != null)
   rd.forward(request, response);

I can't get the above code to work.  At compile time I get 3
cannot-find-symbol errors.  The 3 symbols that can't be found are
"getRequestDispatcher", "request", and "response".  I'm not at all surprised
about the "request" and "response" symbols as they appear to be undefined.
I really expected that getRequestDispatcher would have been found in
javax.servlet.* which is imported.

Can someone please tell me what I am missing or point me to some detailed
documentation which fill in the blanks so that I can get this thing to
work?  Thanks for any input.

          ... doug

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