Den 25-08-2011 17:46, Christopher Schultz skrev:
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On 8/25/2011 5:18 AM, Casper Wandahl Schmidt wrote:
So I downloaded the mod_jk.1.2.32-src the other day because I
couldn't get a binary for linux (ubuntu 8.04 to be exact).
As you've found, you need apache2-threaded-dev package.

I'm surprised that you needed the apache2-src package, though.
apache2-threaded-dev should really be all you need.
Well as I said in my first post configure complained about a missing WebServer - maybe because I installed apache from apt-get and not from source?

I then managed to run the configure successful but when I try to do
sudo make a whole bunch of warnings and errors occurs (mostly
something like expected character "}" at end of input line) which
means that I cannot build the file :(
You shouldn't run 'make' as root when just compiling. Maybe for
installation, but not for just building. I don't ever use 'make
install' unless the procedure is just impossible to understand.
If I don't run make with sudo it complains about permissions, probably because I unpacked the tar.gz with sudo so the directory has root as owner. Or it might be because I uploaded the tar.gz from ftp which puts it in a directory owned by the ftp user and not my ssh user :)

Can you paste some of the error messages into your next reply? That
would be helpful, especially if you post the very top of the output --
since C compilers like to get tripped up on one little thing and then
tell you that the entire source file is syntactically incorrect. :)
Well I tried make > make.log but only the first few lines gets written to the file, the rest is output to the shell. The first line I can see in the shell is mod_jk.c:692: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'get_content_length'

After that it goes on about lines with expected ')' before '*' token and other stuff like that.

I don't know how to see if there are any errors before the ones I just mentioned. Any tips are greatly appreciated :)

I should add that this is my first go on building something from
source EVER so please be gentle :)
Thanks for not first complaining that no binary package exists, Apache
should get off their butts, etc. Glad to see that someone has the
courage to build mod_jk. It shouldn't be that hard to build it from
source. I'm sorry you are having such trouble.
Being a computer science student I really should be able to take on tasks as compiling stuff myself. It is partly because I'm lazy and partly because I don't have time to mess with compiling errors like this that I haven't done anything like this before :) I bought my fit-pc2 box about 2 years ago so I have only played a little with Linux so far :) (being setting up stuff - crashing the server by accident and starting all over again)

- -chris
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