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On 8/28/2011 4:35 PM, Donald Jolley wrote:
>> Exception handling can be configured in WEB-INF/web.xml
> This suggestion seems to hold a lot of promise for error handling.
> The only problem is that I have not been able to get it to work.  I
> have the following stanza in the web-app container of my web.xml
> file:
> <error-page> <exception-type>java.lang.Throwable</exception-type> 
> <location>/errors.jsp</location> </error-page>
> It is my understanding that the above is a catch-all that will trap
> any error.

Servlets aren't allowed to throw Throwable directly, so that might be
the problem. Try catching java.lang.RuntimeException instead.

> I also have the following at the top of my errors.jsp file:
> <%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>

That is proper procedure.

> That almost sounds like the display of the error page specified in
> web.xml won't get triggered unless the default Tomcat error page
> would have been displayed.  IOW, it sort of suggests that it
> wouldn't work with errors that would not trigger the display of the
> Tomcat default error page (such as Java exceptions)  I don't know
> if that is the case or not; but, it sure doesn't seem to be
> working.

No, the implementation looks conceptually like this:

try {
  Servlet servlet = // get the servlet to execute

  servlet.service(request, response);

  // check status code, show appropriate error page defined in web.xml
} catch (RuntimeException|IOException|ServletException ex) {
  Servlet errorHandler = // get error handler from web.xml or default

  request.setAttribute("javax.servlet.error.exception", ex);
  // and others... see SVR 10.9.1

  try {
    errorHandler.service(request, response);
  } catch (Throwable t) {
    // show default error page, guaranteed not to fail

Tomcat should be able to intercept any exception that a servlet can
legally throw. Again, java.lang.Throwable is too generic for that.

- -chris
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