2011/8/30 Robert Jacobson <robert.c.jacob...@nasa.gov>:
> I'm trying to deny access to the .svn directories for my Tomcat 6.0.32
> installation (on Windows Server 2003, if that matters), but what I'm
> doing isn't working and I need help, please.  I'm using the built-in web
> server (i.e. I have not integrated w/ Apache).
> My install directory structure looks like this:
> .svn/  LICENSE*  NOTICE*  Uninstall.exe*  bin/  conf/  lib/  logs/
> temp/  tomcat.ico*  webapps/  work/
> $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps:
>  .svn/  ROOT/  ROOT.war*  docs/  host-manager/  manager/  tomcat/
> $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps/ROOT:
> .svn/    META-INF/    WEB-INF/   index.jsp  [etc...]
> When I request:
> http://server/.svn/entries
> It returns the contents of $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps/.svn/entries.  I don't
> want Tomcat to return the content of any file in .svn/.

That is because any subdirectory inside webapps is a web application
per se, and ".svn" is no exception (and thus you should be editing

The following solutions are available:
1. Upgrade to svn 1.7 so that it does not have .svn directories all
over the tree.
2. Use svn export instead of svn checkout.
3. Configure deployIgnore attribute on a host.
4. If you need a filter that affects all webapps you may add it either
to ${catalina.base}/conf/web.xml, or to each web application

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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