2011/9/1 David Wall <d.w...@computer.org>:
> Thanks for the ideas, Mark, but it's still the same undesirable result.
> On 9/1/2011 6:58 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> I suspect you need:
>> <%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
>> at the start of your JSP.
>> .java files are written using UTF-8 by default so if what you see there
>> is wrong then the original .jsp file was read with the wrong encoding.
> My JSP file that I write shows it correctly since changing my PrintWriter to
> set the stream to UTF-8.
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
> "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd";>
> <%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
> session="true" isELIgnored="true" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="http://open.esignforms.com/libdocsgen/taglib"; prefix="esf"
> %>
> ...
> <p>These have issues: ► Ŵ but these don&#39;t: &trade; &hArr; &diams;
> &aacute; &para; &yen;</p>
> ...
> But the generated .java files still shows:
> out.write("<p>These have issues: â–º Å´ but these don&#39;t: &trade; &hArr;

Is your editor (or whatever you use to view java file) treating the
*.java file as UTF-8 or not? It may be display issue in the editor.

If you are opening it in Eclipse:
press Alt + Enter -> Properties dialog opens -> see "Resource" page ->
Text file encoding

> &diams; &aacute; &para; &yen;</p>\n");
> I checked and the file mod timestamps are updated so I know these are newly
> created files when I run the generated JSP.  I noted that the compiler was
> looking for "UTF-8" (and not allowing "UTF8" or "utf-8" or other variants).
> My only guess now is to know what's the file encoding used when the Tomcat
> compiler (Jasper?) READS my JSP file. Is it possible that it is messed up
> reading my UTF-8 encoded JSP file, even though it then writes the .java file
> with UTF-8 also?
> I am running Windows 7, Tomcat 7.0.19, latest Java 6, and running this in
> Eclipse Helios Service Release 2.
> Any other thoughts I can try?

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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