> From: Mark Eggers [mailto:its_toas...@yahoo.com] 
> Subject: Re: tomcat manager not working

> You have the following virtual host:
> <Host name="www.maxyexpress.co.uk" appBase="webapps">
>    <Context path="" docBase="d:\wwwroot\maxyexpress.co.uk\wwwroot" />
>    <Alias>maxyexpress.co.uk</Alias>
> </Host>

> This means that the actual docBase may end up to be:
> %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\d:\wwwroot\maxyexpress.co.uk\wwwroot

Don't think so.  On Windows, a leading forward or backward slash after the 
drive prefix (d:, in this case) indicates an absolute path.  The JVM will 
figure that out properly.

> I suggest following the Wiki entry above and setting your 
> virtual host up as follows:
> <Host name="www.maxyexpress.co.uk"
>      appBase="D:/wwwroot/maxyexpress.co.uk/wwwroot"
>      unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
>      xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
>    <Alias>maxyexpress.co.uk</Alias>
> </Host>

The above appBase setting should probably be "D:/wwwroot/maxyexpress.co.uk", 
coupled with naming the default webapp's .war file or directory ROOT (case 
sensitive) rather than wwwroot, located under the appBase directory.  Much more 
along the lines of current Tomcat good practice.

> the slashes are / not \ (even on Windows).

That part shouldn't matter, but forward slashes certainly avoid confusion with 
regular expression escapes that might appear elsewhere in .xml files.

 - Chuck

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