
I seem to be having a problem with the exception object attribute arriving null 
at the error handeling jsp. 

Since I encountered this error in production, I recreated on a small project.

This is the web.xml error page entry: 






This is notFoundError.jsp:

<%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>

<%@ page isELIgnored="false"%>



        if(exception != null)


                System.out.println("Exception is not Null, it's " + 




                                System.out.println("Exception is Null!!");




When I try to invoke a non-existing page, notFoundError.jsp is invoked, but the 
exception is null. I looked up the stack at ApplicationDisptacher.forward, and 
the request attributes are as follows:


[null, null, javax.servlet.error.message=/testing/nonExistantPage.jsp, null, 
null, null, null, javax.servlet.error.status_code=404, 
javax.servlet.error.servlet_name=jsp, null, null, null, 
javax.servlet.error.request_uri=/testing/nonExistantPage.jsp, null, null, null]


As you can see the exception is null…

What am I doing wrong? 



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