If you find please share it with the rest of us.
The only solution I could find is

 * either use a portal solution which has already implemented a
   security model like, Jetspeed 2. uportal etc
 * go with the default models as they are presented in JEE tutorial,
   basic , form etc.
 * Implement your own using phase listeners.

Using a portal takes time to learn.
The default models are very primitive, they do not support localization or roles. They have roles but basically there is 1-1 mapping between roles and groups which is not very practically in real applications.
Phase Listeners seems the most promising approach.

I had already done alot of work designing the db schema for security and the stored procedures but I couldn't decide to go for phase listeners as there is no clear guideline on how to use them or if it is the right approach for such a problem. I finally decided to go for the form which created a very ugly interface as several languages are not supported and as said the security model is very primitive.

Please tells us how you decided to proceed if you continue with this endeavour.

???? 18/9/2011 6:17 ??, ?/? Dola Woolfe ??????:

I'm missing something very basic. I will develop a web application with users 
and authentication.

Surely, there exists a relatively generic approach to this that includes a 
backend database, new user form and authentication rules! But I can't find. Can 
someone direct me as to where to start my research?



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