On 22/09/2011 13:56, Shanti Suresh wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> You will have to expire/invalidate the session in the code upon user logout.  
>  This way when the cookie comes in, there is no corresponding session-ID and 
> the system will create a new session.  Are you doing that already?  Does that 
> help?
>              -Shanti
> On Sep 20, 2011, at 1:20 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Martin,
> On 9/18/2011 11:05 AM, Martin O'Shea wrote:
>>>> I have a situation where I'm using Tomcat 6.0.26 but the logging in
>>>> / out of the application is not authenticated via Tomcat's:
>>>> action='<%= response.encodeURL("j_security_check") %>' >
>>>> method.
> You mean to say that you are using your own authentication mechanism,
> right?

I think we should clarify what is really happening.

The code sample above implies authentication is occurring.
If authentication is successful, the userid is then stored in a cookie.
The OP states that cookie data is used to display personalised lists of

Martin: how is the data being stored in a cookie - do you mean a custom
cookie, or are you referring to the cookie generated for the session?

Can you show a code sample of how the userid is retrieved from the cookie?


>>>> The current system allows cookies to store userids which are used
>>>> to show recent lists on the homepage of the application. So for a
>>>> session, a user's userid can be read from the cookie and used to
>>>> retrieve their details from the database and store them in the
>>>> session, and render the hompage with its personalised recent list.
> So, any remote user can provide a forged cookie to read anyone's
> "recent list" if they want? You might want to encrypt those cookies.
>>>> The user's id can also then be placed in the login username box
>>>> with the password stored in the session.
> So, you use an untrusted user id coming from a remote cookie to
> populate the user's username and password on a login page? Sounds like
> that's a problem.
>>>> But, in a single browser session, if the first user logs out, and
>>>> another user logs in, the cookie is re-written with the new user's
>>>> userid. But, because this is all in one browser session, use of the
>>>> browser's back button allows the new user to access the profile
>>>> details of the first user if the first user visited the page before
>>>> logging off.
> So, what you are saying is that the design of the web browser allows a
> second user to observe what the first user did by looking at the
> history and/or cache? There's not a lot you can do about that. You can
> send "no-cache" response headers to the browser, etc. but there's
> always a chance that the browser doesn't respect them, etc. and the
> history can be viewed.
> I'm not sure there's a way around that. Even if you use javascript to
> kill the window/tab, many browsers have a "re-open closed window/tab"
> that will resurrect the window/tab with the history in-tact, so you
> haven't bought anything there.
> I guess this is why you should be careful what you do from as public
> terminal, eh?
>>>> No secure data is held in the system.
> That's good, given the shaky security you've described here.
>>>> Can anyone suggest a way to change this? I am no expert on session 
>>>> management.
> It's the browser that is the problem, not your session management. I
> think you need to instruct your users to completely exit the browser
> after they use your site if they value their privacy.
> -chris
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> --
> Shanti Suresh
> App Systems Analyst Lead
> Web Services, LSA Development
> University of Michigan
> Office: 734-763-4807
> sha...@umich.edu
> http://lsa.umich.edu/cms

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