Am 16.10.2011 10:31, schrieb André Warnier:
Léa Massiot wrote:

Thank you for reading my post.

Here is my problem:
- I have two machines S and M on the same LAN.
- S is a Debian machine running a Tomcat server.
- And I have a WebApp W deployed on this Tomcat server.
- M is a Windows machine which hosts some files for W. - S and M
belong to the same Samba domain.
- On M, the WebApp files are stored in a directory: "C:\p1\p2\".
- "p2" is a share.
- Somewhere in the WebApp Java code, I have declared a "final" to
store the
files path.
Here is what I wrote:
public static final String s_path = "//M/p2/";
- Now, when I manipulate the WebApp in such a way a file "f.xml"
located in
"C:\p1\p2\p3\" has to be opened and read, I get the following error: /M/p2/p3/f.xml (No such file or directory)
My question is: how do I have to declare "s_path" to properly access,
from S
(W), those files which are stored on M?
(I basically want to have the data on one machine and Tomcat on another

Without discussing the pros and cons of the underlying logic, the issue
here is that Java (on S) does not understand that "//M/p2/" means a
"network share" in Microsoft notation.
(Only Windows understands that).
What you need to to is "mounting" that network share to a local (Linux)
mountpoint on S.
Then in Java you access that mountpoint, not the original share.

This is quite Off-Topic regarding Tomcat and even Java, but here is an
idea :

On the Linux machine,

1) create an empty directory /mnt/M/p2

2) in the file /etc/fstab, add the following line (all on one line):
//M/p2 /mnt/M/p2 cifs
rw,username=xxx,password=yyy,uid=uuu,gid=ggg,dir_mode=0775,file_mode=0774 0

(xxx and yyy are the (Windows) user-id and password needed to access
that share; uuu and ggg are a Linux user-id and group under which the
remote files will "look like" under Linux). And you will need to get
someone to help you with the other parameters, to adjust them to your

3) under Linux, isssue the command "mount -a". This will read the file
/etc/fstab, and mount all the mountpoint that ar not already mounted
(like the new one above).

After this, under Linux, whenever you access the directory "/mnt/M/p2",
you will see the files on the remote M nachine.
And in Java, you then access this the same way, as "/mnt/M/p2".

So machine "M" is essentially a fileserver that is accessed by application "W".

I see two options:
1. Abstract it on OS level: Linux machine "S" mounts the fileshare into the local directory /M/p2 via CIFS/SMBFS. Details were just outlined by André 2. Solve it in your application using jCIFS (or another component) to access a remote Windows fileshare

Independent recommendation: make s_path a configuration variable. Hardcoded paths are no good idea

- Stefan

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