Mark Thomas <markt <at>> writes:

> On 18/10/2011 13:02, Bjoern Raupach wrote:
> > Hi group,
> > 
> > we are using Tomcat 7.0.21 on Windows XP with the manager application for 
remote deployment.  Tomcat is
> configured to unpack wars. Deploying works. However undeploy fails for the 
following reason:
> > FAIL - Unable to delete [C:\Programme\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0
\webapps\mywebapp]. The
> continued presence of this file may cause problems.
> > The exploded WAR file mywebapp is still in the webapp folder. The war file 
gets deleted. Now, we can't even
> redeploy or deploy. We have to manually delete the folder mywebapp.
> > 
> > Any ideas?
> Fix the memory leaks that are causing one or more files to be left open
> in the unpacked web application.
> Mark


I am too having this problem because the logfile which is created by log4j 
cannot be deleted since tomcat7 is still accessing it. I don't think this 
would be called a memory leak!? Even when trying to delete it manually in the 
file browser it doesn't work. After tomcat is stopped the logfile can be 
deleted manually.

Is this a bug or can it somehow be fixed?



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