o   Tried running the .bat file from the command line directly piping output
to a local .txt file; all that gets piped to the .txt file is the java
environment variables that are being used

        startup.bat is equivalent to calling "catalina.bat start"

        Try using "catalina.bat run" instead.

- This command works, but then output is not seen on the console. I'm trying
to achieve normal funcationality, where the console displays all output, but
is DUPLICATED in the log file (which should normally be stdout.log or

o   Modified catalina.bat to pipe %EXECJAVA% . %ACTION% commands to log file
(didn't work, nothing in the log file)

        It would be nice to see the actual command line that starts Tomcat's
Bootstrap. The JVM keys that configure  java.util.logging should be there.

- I don't know what you mean by this.

o   Followed instructions at
http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/logging.html to set up logging

        Maybe 7.0 docs will be more understandable.

- 7.0 docs are not applicable, as I'm dealing with v5.5.33, and cannot
upgrade to newer versions of Tomcat because 5.5.33 is the only version
supported by the software project I'm working on (as stated in previous

o  Tried log4j; log files didn't contain exception messages

        Did you restore original configuration after these experiments? Did
you remove log4j.jar?

- Yes, restored to original configuration. If I remove the log4j-x.x.x.jar
file, it will then throw multiple exceptions like
"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Priority" while starting

o  Contents of logging.properties file (located in BOTH /common/classes/ and
/conf/ folders):

        It should be only in conf.

- The instructions at http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/logging.html
clearly state that the file is "to be placed in common/classes". Even so, I
removed it from that directory, but get the same result

        "Try to simplify your configuration.":

- following your instructions I simplified the logging.properties file to
the 1 entry you suggested. This produced some confusing results. The log
file now contains MOST of the output; some exceptions found in the log; the
console was empty, but one exception was logged in the console and not in
the log file. Ideally (and what I think is normal behavior for Tomcat) it
should be putting all output to the console, and duplicating all output to
the log file.

- I then did another experiment, keeping the more verbose logging.properties
file, and adding the following:

org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].handlers =

- With this change, I can see all output in the console, and I can see that
it's now putting some of the output in two different files,
catalina.date.log and localhost.date.log
- At this point, I'm just confused as to what and why certain output is
being put in one file versus the other
- And it's still throwing exceptions about not being able to find log4j
- Using the above addition to the more verbose logging.properties file and
KEEPING the log4j.jar file in the common/lib folder produces some more
        - All output is shown in the console, there are no log4j exceptions
thrown, but the log files are empty again.

Any more ideas? It seems like the modification to the logging.properties
file was very close to achieving the goal, if only it didn't keep throwing
exceptions about log4j.

Thanks again,

Brian J.

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