On 29/10/2011 12:41, chris derham wrote:
>>> Also, what happens if ROOT##001 and ##002 have the same log4j configs
>>> and are writing to the same log file?? How have people handled this
>>> situation?
>> You'll certainly end up with both apps writing to the same file. Whether
>> or not that is a problem will depend on exactly how you have configured
>> logging.
> Is it possible to pick up the name of the war file (or version number) so
> that you can log to different files? So instead of
> ${catalina.base}\logs\myapp.txt
> I could use
> ${catalina.base}\logs\myapp-${applicationName}.txt
> say ${applicationName} which would be replaced with "ROOT##001", making the
> log file
> <catalina_base>\logs\myapp-ROOT##001.log?
> Basically I am trying to ask does such a variable exist, and if so what is
> its name?

The catalina.base variable works because it's a system property.

There's no applicationName variable.



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