On 08/11/2011 15:12, Alexander Diedler wrote:
> Hello
>> That most probably means that the URL mappings for mod_jk are not correct,
> and that Apache httpd is serving that content directly.
>> Look at (or show here) the JkMount lines that should be somewhere in your
> Apache configuration.
> Was attached in the post:
> JkMount /* loadbalancer
> So everything would be served by tomcat.
>> At a second level, it also means that you are doing something that is
> really not recommended : allow Apache httpd access to the Tomcat application
> directories.

+1  I'd go further: *never* publish a Tomcat application docBase as an
HTTPD DocumentRoot.

>> That bypasses any security that you may have in Tomcat.
>> Your current problem is a perfect example : Apache now shows the source
> code of your JSP pages.  Hopefully there is no secret password in there.
>> Test : (http://www.test.de/xyz)/WEB-INF/web.xml
> Yes you are right, I can read the web.xml from the browser. How we can avoid
> it?

Don't publish a Tomcat application docBase as an HTTPD DocumentRoot.


> Greetings
> Alexander
>> In the Apache access log:
>> xxx.xxx.214.145 - - [08/Nov/2011:14:44:08 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 
>> 23281 ##OK
>> xxx.xxx.214.145 - - [08/Nov/2011:14:44:11 +0100] "GET
>> /go/VV4QB69WO9F01A9KGBSYVGNVGHY6T95J HTTP/1.1" 200 88572    ##Not ok,
>> sorcecode displayed.
>> In the virtual-host.conf:
>> ## Tomcatanbindung
>>     JkMount /* loadbalancer
>> JkOptions +ForwardURICompatUnparsed
>> AllowEncodedSlashes On            
>> Greetings
>> Alexander
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