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On 11/10/11 4:49 AM, Rogelio Lamas wrote:
> My name is Roger and this is the first time that i use a mailing
> list. Sorry for my english.

Welcome to the list. Your English is just fine.

> I am currently trying to set up SSI filter on the tomcat for an 
> application that I'm developing.
> I followed the How to of Tomcat 6 and 7 but it wasn't work
> properly.

Which version of Tomcat are you actually running? If you have a
choice, use the latest version available, which is currently 7.0.22.

> All SSI instructions are similar to <!--#include virtual="/ path/ 
> file.html" -->
> Desperately I tried it with tomcat 5.5.34 and this works correctly 
> activating the SSI filter according to your How to.

Just to confirm: your setup works in Tomcat 5.5?

> In the SSI Filter i actived the parameter isVirtualWebappRelative
> but is a requirementof my application.

You need isVirtualWebappRelative to be true, or you need it to be false?

> When I run on Tomcat 6 I get the following exception:
> GRAVE: #include--Couldn't include file: /includes/holamundo.html 
> java.io.IOException: Couldn't get context for path:
> /includes/holamundo.html

Can you post your <Context> element and give us an overview of your
webapp's layout?

> And in tomcat 7 do not get any data from the log.

How are you configuring the SSIFilter?

> What is the problem?

It could be one (or more) of several problems.

> What are the differences between tomcat 5.5, tomcat 6.0.22 and
> tomcat 7.0.22?

Briefly, TC t.t, 6.0, and 7.0 support different versions of the
servlet spec. There are many other non-spec-related differences as
well. The SSI stuff should be relatively similar between versions
because the requirements have not changed very much. I recommend
reading the changelog for each version and searching for "ssi" to see
what has changed, specifically:


> I attach eclipse project application testing and configuration
> files tomcat 6 and 5

This list strips most attachments. Try copy/pasting into your next
post. The only interesting parts of your configuration will be your
context.xml file (you *are* using a context.xml file, right?) and the
SSI-related portions of your web.xml file.

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