>   <Resource name="jdbc/PortalDb" auth="Container"
>           type="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource"
>           connectionCachingEnabled="true"
>           description="FCF Datasource"
>           driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
>           factory="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSourceFactory"
>           fastConnectionFailoverEnabled="true"
>           onsConfigStr="nodes=PRIVATE"
>           implicitCachingEnabled="true"
>           connectionCacheProperties="(InitialLimit=10, MinLimit=10,
> MaxLimit=150, ConnectionWaitTimeout=40, AbandonedConnectionTimeout=40,
> TimeToLiveTimeout=90)"
>           connectionCacheName="portal_connection_pool"
>           user="PRIVATE" password="PRIVATE"
>           url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@
>           />
>    <Resource name="jdbc/WarehouseDB" auth="Container"
>           type="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource"
>           driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
>           factory="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSourceFactory"
>           connectionCachingEnabled="true"
>           implicitCachingEnabled="true"
>           connectionCacheProperties="(InitialLimit=3, MinLimit=3,
> MaxLimit=100, ConnectionWaitTimeout=40, AbandonedConnectionTimeout=40,
> TimeToLiveTimeout=90)"
>           connectionCacheName="warehouse_connection_pool"
>           user="PRIVATE" password="PRIVATE"
>           url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@PRIVATE:1521:PRIVATE"
>           />

I see an initial limit of 10 for the first DataSource and 3 for the
second DataSource.  That seems like it should happen pretty quick.  

A couple thoughts...

1.) Do you have any applications deployed to the server?  If so, perhaps
it is an application which is causing the startup to take so long.  Have
you tried starting Tomcat without any applications deployed?  If so, how
long does it take to startup?

2.) Try making a test connection to your database outside of Tomcat from
the same machine.  Does the connection take a long time to setup?


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