On Mon, 2011-11-21 at 01:41 -0800, Pid * wrote:
> On 21 Nov 2011, at 03:15, S Ahmed <sahmed1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have a spring project (web app), in my project where should I be putting
> > my static files like images/css/javascript?
> >
> > In my WEB-INF like:
> >
> > /WEB-INF/Assets {images/css/js}
> You can't serve files directly from WEB-INF.

Not Tomcat related, but if you're using a recent version of Spring (i.e.
3.0.x), you could use the <mvc:resources /> tag.


> > I know when I go in production I will have nginx map to this folder to
> > serve the static files, but I just want to know where I can put them for
> > development/testing.
> How about somewhere sensible?
>  /images
>  /scripts
>  /styles

Otherwise, I second this approach.


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