Good evening,

I use xinetd in order to bind my Tomcat 7.0.22 instance to port 80 without
any Unix privileges, on a Debian 6.0 box. Here's the (slightly obfuscated)
configuration file:

service www
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        user            = root
        wait            = no
        bind            = my IP
        port            = 80
        redirect        = localhost 8080
        disable         = no
        flags           = REUSE
        log_type        = FILEmy.log
        log_on_success  -= PID HOST DURATION EXIT

        per_source      = UNLIMITED
        instances       = UNLIMITED

It works generally great but there's one problem: in my logs, only the
localhost IP appears! I mean, in PsiProbe for instance, when I try and see
the IPs of my visitors, I can only find localhost. Which is bad, regarding
traffic statistics...

Does any one have a clue? Shall I use another way of binding Tomcat to port
80? Which one? This way looked good as it's really simple to set up, but if
I must use something else, I don't care. Please note, I'd prefer stick to
xinetd, though.



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