
                I just upgraded from tomcat5.5 to 6, and everything works
expect one thing: links like "host/app/somthing.do;jsessionid=XYZ" does not
work. If I remove the jsessionid part, than struts works fine, but with that
tomcat answers a 302 temporarily moved message and gives a link
"host/app;jsessionid=XYZ" which is incorrect. May be I changed something in
the configuration, I don't know. 


My question: there is a way of configuring tomcat's logger to tell me why
this 302 message was sent? 


I spent 4 days to solve this issue, and I am about to give it up. I run out
of ideas what to try, where to look, I would be really glad if someone can
help me out ...


Our webapp is huge, the most important things about it:

Tomcat6, struts1.1, commons-httpclient-3.1.jar  




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