On 29/11/2011 17:47, Sylvain Goulmy wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to know it is possible to have equivalent functionality to the
> "extended document root" provided by the WebSphere product. This feature
> allows you to define a location outside the webapp to make contribution
> without having to redeploy the application. This mechanism first checks if
> the resource is present in the application and if not will look for it in
> the directory extension.

So the effect is that multiple physical directories must be searched for
a given resource?

> I thought that the functionality provided by the new attribute aliases for
> the configuration item <context> would have a similar behavior, but I see
> another operation. First of all it is not possible to set an alias on the
> context '/', making it necessary to declare all the directories in which
> you want to make the contribution. Also when I set an alias for a directory
> present in my webapp, it becomes a priority and files in my webapp are no
> longer available.
> Do I understand correctly how this new attribute aliases has to be used ?

The alias maps a given path to an external directory.

> Is it possible with Tomcat 7 to set up a mechanism similar to the extended
> document root of Websphere?

Can you give an example of how you would like it to work?




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