On Wed, 2011-11-30 at 07:01 -0800, Thom Hehl wrote:
> When running Tomcat 7.0.20 as a daemon, it doesn't appear to be writing
> the logs to the file until tomcat is stopped. Is there some way I can
> make tomcat dump the logs it's holding onto?

Just a guess, but it sounds like it could be buffering.

"org.apache.juli.FileHandler supports buffering of the logs. The
buffering is not enabled by default. To configure it, use the bufferSize
property of a handler. The value of 0 uses system default buffering
(typically an 8K buffer will be used). A value of <0 forces a writer
flush upon each log write. A value >0 uses a BufferedOutputStream with
the defined value but note that the system default buffering will also
be applied."


It's hard to tell exactly though, without seeing your logging
configuration.  Please try including your logging.properties (assuming
you are using the Java logging), so that we can all see it.


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