---- "André Warnier" <a...@ice-sa.com> wrote: 
> oh...@cox.net wrote:
> > ---- "André Warnier" <a...@ice-sa.com> wrote: 
> >> oh...@cox.net wrote:
> >>
> >> .. re-synchronising..
> >>> I've made some progress.  I have a VirtualHost, so I had to add a 
> >>> "JkMountCopy 'on'" inside the <VirtualHost>, and now, it's at least 
> >>> proxying through to the Tomcat using mod_jk!!
> >>>
> >>> BUT, it's still not logging me into the Tomcat :(...
> >>>
> >>> I don't want to post the entire jk.log, so can someone point me to what 
> >>> to look for in there, maybe?
> >>>
> >> Ok, so let's now continue on the mod_jk track, since you've got that part 
> >> running.
> >>
> >> What you are looking for, is an AJP "request attribute" named 
> >> "remote_user" (lowercase), 
> >> in the packets which mod_jk sends to Tomcat.
> >> I don't know if that would be in the log, nor if there is any way to 
> >> coerce mod_jk into 
> >> putting it in the log.
> >>
> >> But since your Tomcat is not authenticating, chances are that it isn't 
> >> there.
> >>
> >> So let's try to cheat, and force it to be there.
> >> In your Apache configuration, add this line :
> >>
> >> JkEnvVar remote_user "blablabla"
> >>
> >> and let's see what happens.
> >>
> >>
> >> (and after that, we'll try mod_rewrite or a combination)
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > Andre,
> > 
> > I had already tried including a "JkEnvVar" as you suggested in my 
> > httpd.conf, in order to try to hard-code getting SOMETHING  to show up, but 
> > no joy :(...
> > 
> > I've also tried a bunch of other variants:
> > 
> > 
> > also:
> > 
> > JkEnvVar remote_user "foobar"
> > 
> > also:
> > 
> > JkEnvVar AJP_REMOTE_USER "foobar"
> > 
> > Nothing works :(...
> > 
> > This is really getting discouraging :(.  It almost seems to me like that 
> > 'tomcatAuthentication' functionality doesn't even exist at all.
> > 
> > I've searched the jk.log for multiple things, "attr", "remo", etc., and 
> > find nothing relevant/significant at all in there...
> > 
> Do not get discouraged.  I can guarantee that the 
> tomcatAuthentication="false" works, when 
> the Apache front-end really does authenticate the user.  I use this all the 
> time.
> (Just not with the same SSO mechanism as you).
> I also know that "JkEnvVar" does work in general for setting request 
> attributes at the 
> Apache level, and have them passed to Tomcat by mod_jk, because I also us 
> that regularly.
> (And there exists a similar functionality in mod_proxy_ajp).
> What may not work in the trials above, is that specifically this 
> "remote_user" request 
> attribute may be overwritten by mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp, even when you have 
> set it 
> explicitly in Apache.
> After all, this feature is designed to do one thing : examine the "request 
> record" of 
> Apache for an authenticated user-id, and if one is set, pass it along to 
> Tomcat over the 
> AJP channel.  If mod_jk/mod_proxy_ajp do not find such a user-id in the 
> request record, 
> they may just /clear/ the remote_user attribute, thus voiding our attempts at 
> cheating.
> To verify this is relatively simple.
> Create the following <Location> section in Apache :
> <Location /sampleajp>
>    AuthType Basic
>    AuthName "toTomcat"
>    AuthUserFile /some-path/passwords
>    Require user testuser
>    SetHandler jakarta-servlet
>    SetEnv JK_WORKER_NAME tomcatA   (<- or whatever name your worker has)
> <Location>
> Note: the SetHandler and SetEnv lines above, in that <Location>, are 
> equivalent to saying :
>    JkMount /sampleajp/* tomcatA
> Then follow the instructions here to create the password file and the user 
> "testuser" in it :
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/auth.html
> section : Getting it working
> If you try to access such a URL "/sampleajp/*", the browser will popup a 
> bssic auth dialog 
> and force you to login.
> This will result in the request being duly authenticated for Apache, which 
> /will/ result 
> in the Apache user-id being passed to Tomcat.
> Then, once you have verified (in Tomcat) that it is so, have another look at 
> the mod_jk 
> logfile, to see if then you spot the attribute being passed.
> (You will know that it is passed, but it may still not show up the logs).
> If all of that works, then we know that in order for your scheme to work, you 
> must somehow 
> force the user-id obtained by your SSO system, to be also set in the Apache 
> request 
> record.  Which should be a solvable problem.
> And if not, then you still have your Valve..


I haven't tried your full suggestion yet, but I removed all of the OAM SSO 
stuff out of my Apache httpd.conf, just to see what happens, but even after 
that, still am not getting logged into Tomcat, so it may be as you suggest, 
that mod_jk tries to get the userid from somewhere deep inside of Apache.

So, I will try adding what you suggested, to get authenticated with just the 
Apache, and then see what happens, and will post back.  If that works, we can 
go from there.

Thanks for following up with this!


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