Past weekend I just went thru xerces *e&l% on another Application Server 
..turns out they had a DTD specific xerces version that gacked on xsds
The AppServer version of Xerces was buried so far down into the core their 
solution was to rebuild the server with a version of Xerces that wont fubar on 
parsing xsds
NB: 99% of the posts I've seen for xerces problems say "delete all versions of 
xerces from your CLASSPATH"

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 > From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 21:57:55 -0600
> Subject: RE: Tomcat xerces conflicts and Endorsed,Standards Override Mechanism
> > From: Mark Eggers [] 
> > Subject: Re: Tomcat xerces conflicts and Endorsed,Standards Override 
> > Mechanism
> > > servlet-api-2.3.jar
> > > servlet-api-2.5.jar
> > If you're using Maven to manage the dependencies, how about 
> > marking the offending jars <scope>provided</scope>, and see
> > if the later versions provided in the JRE (and in Tomcat for
> > the servlet spec) meet the expected requirements.
> At the very least, the OP _must_ remove the servlet-api*.jar files; they are 
> provided by the container and can never be placed in WEB-INF/lib.  (But 
> they're not the cause of the XML problem, just another symptom.)
>  - Chuck
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