On 12/15/2011 3:56 PM, David kerber wrote:
I am trying to figure out how to access .dbf files that are on a
networked drive from my TC 5.5.xx server. I have no trouble with the
coding; it all works fine from my Eclipse dev environment. I believe the
issue is tomcat's contexts on the production server. I've seen plenty of
suggestions for just reading and streaming files from outside the
docbase, but nothing for accessing them for database purposes. I'm using
the Microsoft DBF driver.

As I said above, it all works fine in my dev environment through
Eclipse, connection to the dbf files in their real home on the network.
However, when I try to do it from my production server, I get the
following log entries:

2011-12-15 14:47:53: debugValue = 32: In WraDbfJdbc: Connect params:
urlPrefix=jdbc:odbc:DRIVER={Microsoft dBase Driver (*.dbf)};DBQ=,
databaseName = //

Thu Dec 15 14:47:53 EST 2011: Exception in class:
com.wra.websira.WraDbfJdbc, Msg: 'Creating database:
//', Exception: java.sql.SQLException:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no
default driver specified

I belive that means it can't get to the UNC name listed as the database.

Any hints? I've been googling and reading for a couple of hours now, and
haven't come up with anything.


FIgured out the cause, though I don't have it fixed yet: I'm running under a 64-bit JRE, and there is no 64-bit dBAse driver installed, just 32-bit. So I have to either find a 64-bit dbase ODBC driver (Hah!), or switch to a 32-bit TC and JRE.

To answer various other issues and possibilities that had been mentioned: I verfied that the driver works fine on my dev machine with UNC names, and I changed the user under which the TC is running to the domain administrator, and that didn't help.


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