> From: Pandian R [mailto:barat...@gmail.com] 
> Subject: Survivor space fine tuning

> I have a tomcat 7 server running on JDK 7 - Win2008 32 bit.

Be precise: always state the _exact_ Tomcat version, and the _exact_ JDK level.

> I am monitoring all the memory areas.

Why?  Do you have a performance problem?

> I am seeing the Survivor Space is highly consumed almost 
> all times.

That is not at all unusual; why do think it's a problem?
> I have reduced the survivor ratio to 6.

Why?  That more than likely just upsets the balance between eden and survivor 

> But unfortunately no improvements.

You haven't indicated that there's a problem, so what are you really trying to 
> I have changed the MaxPermSize as 256 from 64

Which has nothing to do with the survivor space.  Don't change things randomly.

> Can you please suggest me a correct option to increase the 
> survivor space?

If you webapp is producing lots of objects, run a profiler on your webapp.  
Tweaking internal heap settings is almost always counterproductive.  Fix your 
webapp, not the JVM.
> Tomcat configration
> Memory Usage on Survivor Space

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