On 23/12/2011 04:57, S B wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 8:49 PM, Pid <p...@pidster.com> wrote:
>> On 22/12/2011 10:34, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
>>> 2011/12/20 S B <sbl...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I created and deployed an MBean in my tomcat. It uses datasource to
>> connect
>>>> to DB.
>>>> My questions is:
>>>> When I create InitialContext() inside MBean's constructor and pass the
>>>> envContext to DBManager class to lookup datasource it works fine.
>> However
>>>> when I create InitialContext() in DBManager  class, it fails.
>>> IIRC what InitialContext() sees as its environment highly depends on
>>> what classloader is active. That is TCCL =
>>> Thread.getContextClassLoader().
>>> So while it is run from within web application your TCCL = your
>>> webapp's classloader.
>>> When it is invoked from jconsole it might be a separate Thread, not
>>> related to your web application.
>> Like he ^^^ said.  :)
>> p
>> --
>> [key:62590808]
> Hi Pid/Konstantin,
> yes you are right. I just verified it. When it is invoked from jconsole,
> the classloader is: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@61e63e3d
> and when it is run within a web application the clasloader is
> WebAppClassloader.
> So, how can I force it to use webapp classloader during new
> InitialContext() while invoking from jconsole
> One possible way is to reuse the initialContext created during server
> startup. (pass it as param during invocation from jconsole).
> Is there a smarter way ??

I am a bit concerned about how you are registering the bean inside the
bean's own constructor.  I am not clear on how you are subsequently
unregistering that bean, before the reloading operation - and I am not
at all clear what the purpose of reloading is anyway.

Is there a reason that the MBean itself needs to be recreated?

Bear in mind that you are attempting to re-initialise the MBean, while
you are still using it.  This does not seem like a good idea to me.

I would suggest that you either have a separate Manager MBean that does
the reloading, or just have the reload method call the actual code on
the DB, without re-initialising the bean.




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