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On 12/27/11 7:53 AM, Denis Ivanov wrote:
> Hey, I have an Amazon Enterprise Linux (EC2) version 
> (architecture i386) with Java JM version 
> 1.6.0_20-b20 (Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.) and Apache Tomcat
> version 7.0.19 with Catalina.
> I'm trying to deploy GlobziWebApplication.war and it was working a 
> few days ago but now it gives me error 404 when I try to access
> the web service and logs/catalina.out says
> Error deploying web application archive GlobziWebApplication.war 
> org.apache.tomcat.util/.bcel.classfile.ClassFormatException:Invalid
constant pool reference: 12034. Constant pool size is: 1486

I wouldn't expect a ClassFormatException to return a 404. Are you sure
that the two are related?

Also, the above has a "/" in the package name which is illegal. Are
you sure you copy/pasted that properly?

> And then it lists a bunch of instances where this occurs, like "at 
> org.apache.tomcat.util.bcel.classfile.ConstantPool.getConstant(ConstantPool.java:184)".

is called a stack trace, and isn't a bunch of instances where it
occurs: it's a specific call trace that describes what the thread was
doing at the time the exception was thrown.

Can you post the full stack trace?

> What is Invalid constant pool reference?

It usually means that your class file is broken, but I can see that
you are using BCEL which probably means that you poking-around in a
class structure without using the usual Java reflection or
ClassLoading libraries. That can introduce all kinds of problems if
you aren't careful.

A stack trace will help narrow-down where this is happening. It's
possible that some of the annotation-processing that Tomcat does is
incorrect and that's why it's blowing up.

> GlobziWebApplication.war was compiled using NetBeans 7.0.1.

Were the classes in GlobizWebApplication.war compiled using NetBeans,
or only JARred-together using NetBeans?

- -chris
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